Atheism vs Hypocrisy

Dear Friends,
Admittedly, the sun has risen and set many times since my last post.  That does not mean, however, that our church is not in my thoughts and prayers.  God has a plan and purpose for Little Sandy Baptist Church and I am thankful to be a part of it.
This past week, Pope Francis criticized members of his own church, suggesting it is better to be an atheist than one of "many" Catholics who he said lead a hypocritical double life. (Reuters) Now, while there are many things about which I would take issue with the Pope, I see his point in this comment.  I believe he used the term atheism to show his strong animosity toward those who 'say' one thing, yet do the opposite.
If this hypocrisy were confined to Catholicism only, we might happily take up the chorus and arrogantly vilify the hypocritical, double-lifers.  However, we look no further than our own Baptist denomination to find similar instances.  I have been known to say, "If you are not going to live as a Christian should live, then lower the 'Christian Flag' from your life and do not let others know that you claim Christianity."  
The consummate Teacher said it best, "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?"  This may well be the ultimate contradiction of terms, "No, Lord!"  Let us look anew into the mirror of God's Word to see if we are living our lives in a way that glorifies Him. May we never become the subject of any pastor's sorrow over those who profess to be one thing, yet their lives say something completely different.